The Hillsboro Tiger Athletic Booster Club Trunk or Treat was a huge success! #HSDGoTigers #HappyHalloween

T-minus eight days until the premiere of The Addams Family! Have you bought your tickets yet?! Visit our Facebook Page for ticket purchase information. #HSDGoTigers #Drama

A blast from the past! #TBT #HSDGoTigers

Mrs. Ross' third graders were using adjectives to describe things they could not see!
They had to guess the contents of each bucket and use words to describe what they could hear, smell, feel, or see on their hands after they pulled them out of the bucket! #HSDGoTigers #SensoryFun

Mrs. Ross' third graders were using adjectives to describe things they could not see!
They had to guess the contents of each bucket and use words to describe what they could hear, smell, feel, or see on their hands after they pulled them out of the bucket! #HSDGoTigers #SensoryFun

Mr. Nugent's study hall group went up to the elementary to read to Mrs. Board's first graders and Ms. Kolodzinski's kindergarteners! #HSDGoTigers #ReadingBuddies

Welcome to our first #BookWormWednesday! Ms. Madden's English 10 classes took book selfies with some of their favorite books and want to share them with you!
Today we will hear what Hannah's favorite book is and what it is about!
Favorite Book: Light Filters in Poetry
Author: Caroline Kaufman
Similar book: Crank by Ellen Hopkins
"I recommend this book because it’s a great story about a girl overcoming her depression. People who like mental strength will most likely enjoy this book!
"I chose to take my selfie in my room because it has the best lighting in my house."
Thank you for sharing Hannah! #HSDGoTigers

Middle school students are having a blast combining art and technology to create stop motion animation videos! #HSDGoTigers #GettingCreative

These hardworking #HSDGoTigers were selected as All-Conference musicians this year! They performed in New Lisbon under the direction of Dr. Devin Otto from UW-Oshkosh. Strong work, Tigers!

Mrs. Johnson & Ms.Scharfenberg attended the Wisconsin Art Education Associations annual fall conference in Wausau last week! It was an amazing opportunity to meet art teachers from around the state, make art, learn about new art projects, share ideas and have fun! #HSDGoTigers #GettingCreative

REMINDER | Flu shots are scheduled for November 8th and parent consent forms need to be turned in by the November 1st. Extra forms available in the office or online on the Nurse's Page. #HSDGoTigers

Hillsboro’s class of 1952 has been reunited! #HSDGoTigers

Are your non-perishable goods ready for Halloween night?!
The Middle School FBLA will be stopping by your homes between 4:30-7:00pm this Wednesday night, October 31, to collect them! #TrickOrFeed #GivingBack

Mrs. Fisher's 5th graders got to take home their own spider plant last week! #HSDGoTigers

Congratulations to fourth grade teacher, Scott Egan, and his new wife, Betsy! #HSDGoTigers

#HSDGoTigers showing support for Dominic (Dom), a former student who is currently battling cancer. #TigerProud

Congratulations to Shelby Brown on being selected for the Wisconsin School Music Association Middle Level Honors Band!
Shelby will perform with these hardworking 7-9 grade musicians from across the state today at Waunakee High School starting at 1:00pm! #HSDGoTigers #TigerProud
Picture credit: Chris Gleason

Your vote is important! #FutureOfHillsboroSchools #HSDGoTigers

Miss Levy's #HSDGoTigers love doing stem projects on Thursdays!
Yesterday's challenge was to build a strong tower with tooth picks, pumpkin candy, and marshmallows. These first graders enjoyed every aspect of this activity and learned that they need sturdy bases to build tall towers! #STEM

It's time to recognize the people that make Hillsboro awesome! This week's staff member is Mary Stanek.
Thanks for all you do! #HSDGoTigers #TigerProud